Saturday, April 6, 2013

Still need for this season

As the new season approaches and were getting ready for launch day, I was going over the list of required items yet to get for the upcoming races and a cold water Immersion suit is on the list, at 500.00  This is a big dollar item that is needed for the race, anyone have one their not using, got one I can borrow.....

Next Item on the list are a few stantion blocks for the furler and for the DRS Tack line.
I am waiting on new hoses for the propane stove to run into the cockpit locker to where a tank can be installed on the rail.
Maybe next year I will swap out the charcoal BBQ for a propane one.

Sails have been ordered and am waiting on delivery, furler is in and waiting to be installed, new standing rigging and running rigging is more or less being assembled and set for installation once weather warms up some more.

I'd like to find a few sponsors that would like to be on the T Shirt, as these events do have news coverage it would be a great way to advertise.

If you know where one can be had at a reasonable price let me know or Hey just get me one for the season or to use for the racing that would be great.

Remember to help out if you can with a pledge by clicking the donate button on the side of the blog, anything will help get the last few items required for the season.

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