Sunday, August 12, 2012

Thats's my story and I'm stickin to it

So here I sit broken hearted, paid my dime and only farted...
This summer has not gone as I had hoped, actually it seemed that on almost every weekend I was called into work for a half day or it was raining.
Some where between the rainbow and the pot of gold I found a few moments to get out and do some sailing.
So what happened, well here is a sorta breakdown on where my weekends went
I work for myself, as a sort of consultant in the building trades. I do thermal imaging also called thermography, InfraRed, IR Imaging and along this line it is closely tied to Building condition assessments for commercial and residential clients. A home inspector, commercial building inspector that can also do mould and air quality inspections along with a few other things all geared to the purchase, sale and maintenance of buildings.
One of my clients seemed to like his retired week open and always wanted to meet up and go over his issues on Sundays. Being self employed means that other times my week would not be full but finding more work was the other half of my full time job career and networking was done to keep the appearance of working.
This is my excuse as to why during the week I was unable to get out and sail during the day. Half way through the season and I have five nights onboard and 15 day sails, some what paltry compared to last season of 22 nights onboard 12 of which were straight while we toured the 1000 islands.
This year we did a 5 day trip to Algonquin Park with friends at a site where there was 22 of us on one site.
I also started canning and putting up preserves, started a garden for veggies ( 100ft x 40ft ) and this also required more attention than previously thought. Spending weekends weeding and tending a garden, hauling water to keep said garden green during our drought and now picking veggies and canning them for the winter. With this drought there is a shortage of fresh veggies and the cost will be noted during the winter months, so I am fortunate to have somehow had the foresight to be prepared.
A prepper you say, hmmm well as a young adult I did lots of camping, hiking, worked in remote areas so having a pack sack in the back of my truck has always been a fact. Whats inside a mystery but maybe more on that in another post.
bljones picture taken from his blog profile
and used without his knowledge 
On a good note a fella I met a few years back when I bought my boat from Port Dover has a blog which is gaining recognition in leaps and bounds link here  has been asked to write for a local print so a BIG CONGRATS goes to bljones.
I met Brian through a sail forum and then as I was sea trialing my boat realized that as I was looking over my new to me boat I was standing in the stomping grounds of the Dock six chronicles, the break-wall gave it away. I called him up and he showed up with Timmies on a chilly morning and a friendship started.
All I can say is you will not meet a finer person who will go the added mile to help you out. If you happen upon the Port Dover Marina look him up and have a well served sundowner and a conversation that will forge a tie to him and his blog.

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